Webinaire DEI - Financial Support to Modernize Ventilation Systems


  • 1:45 – to 2 p.m.          Hook-up to WeBex and reception
  • 2:00 – 2:10                 Word of welcome
  • 2:10 – 2:35                 Transition énergétique Québec
  • 2:35 – 3:00                 Hydro-Québec
  • 3:00 – 3:25                 Énergir
  • 3:25 – 3:30                 Conclusion

In the coming months, building managers will be asked to review the operating standards of their buildings with an eye to providing a healthy and safe indoor environment for their tenants, while also limiting the impact on energy consumption and the greenhouse gases emitted by their buildings. Many of these managers will also have to review their ventilation systems and how they operate. At the same time, the main organizations involved in energy transition have been working in recent weeks to improve their financial incentive programs.

This webinar has been specially designed to inform those taking part in the Building Energy Challenge about the most recent modifications and improvements to the financial aid programs of Transition énergétique Québec, Hydro-Québec and Énergir. Representatives from these organizations will present in turn an overview of their programs, identify specific applications for ventilation retrofit projects, and present a case study. You will also have the opportunity to talk with them in order to better understand how you can benefit from these programs.

 Guest Speakers:

Mr. Sami Maksoud, ing.
Conseiller technologies et efficacité énergétique, Groupe DATECH, Énergir

Mr Hudovic Meilleur, ing.
Leader of the ÉcoPerformance program, Direction générale des opérations et de l’innovation, Transition énergétique Québec

Mrs Samira-Hélène Sammoun, Eng.
Engineer - Energy Expertise, Regulatory Affairs and Electricity Supply, Hydro-Québec

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